Author: Charles George Davis
Book description
Historical truths are sometimes as interesting and thrilling as fiction- or even more so. Such is the case in these true adventures of explorers and fur traders; mountain men and emigrants, settlers and Indians, politicans and men of war ranging from the first furtraders in the Far West in 1811 to the prime minister in London in 1846.
Exploration and building of the South Road in 1846 were key to American Western emigration at a time when the "Oregon Question" was about to be settled one way or another. A border dispute between the United States and Britain over division of the Oregon country was heating up toward open conflict between the two countries. Swords were rattling in Washington in 1845, and London planned military action to take over and fortify strategic locations from Oregon City and the mouth of the Columbia to Fort Victoria on presnt-day Vancouver Island and points inland.
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