Authors: Gary and Gloria Meier
234 pages
Book description
"These were not fictional comic strip heroes," writes Gary Meier, "they were real people. They were men whose chosen task in life was the guide teams of spirited horses through all kinds of hazards, bringing through safely their passengers, Wells Fargo's treasure boxes and the U.S. Mails- and often not knowing if they would even make it to the next station. They wheeled their teams around sharp curves on ink-dark nights, down narrow and precipitous mountain grades and across swollen streams, skillfully pressing to meet schedules. They lived, dreamed, laughed, loved, cursed and had fears. Often they were lonely. And sometimes, in the performance of their duty, they died."
Considered by many to be one of the new pre-eminent authors of Oregon's pioneer history, Gary Meier has been extensively read in numerous publications including True West and Oregon Coast. With his wife, Gloria, riding herd on the mountainous research required for this project, Gary brings his warm, insightful style to this untold tale of Oregon's stagecoach days. The Meiers reside in Eugene with their two cats, Katie and Mittens, where Gary is working on his next book.
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