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Author: Helen Guyton Rees

Softcover- used


Book description

This enlarged, updated third edition of Mrs. Rees' Shaniko: From Wool Capital to Ghost Town includes the complete, authentic history of Shaniko, Oregon- famous as the "liveliest Ghost Town in Oregon."


From its beginnings in 1900 as a tent city at the termination of the railroad line on a high bunchgrass flat of southern Wasco County, Shaniko mushroomed into a great wool-shipping center with the largest wheat and wool warehouse in the state within a year.


Becoming a center of trade, Shaniko drew homesteaders, immigrant shepherds, cowboys and railroad workers. The stories of these people are told here- their stories are intertwined with the story of the town that refused to die, even after the glory days ended when a rival railroad took business away from the Columbia Southern Line.


By 1959, Shaniko was dubbed a Ghost Town. Population and businesses continue to shift in and out of Shaniko, even to this day. The sign at the edge of town on Highway 97 brings hundreds of intrigued visitors to get a glipse of the past way of life. The old jail house, the wagon yard, pioneer schoolhouse and the museums provide fuel for the imaginations of these curious visitors. The old Shaniko Hotel, the RV park, restaurant and other businesses make this Ghost Town a lively destination.


Over a hundred rare, historic photos of people and places- past and present- spanning the history of this famous old town bring these stories to life.

Shaniko- From Wool Capital to Ghost Town

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